Page name: Stay At MySpace [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-02-15 03:42:58
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Stay At Myspace

I know there are probably several variations of this sort of wiki, but my frustration continues to rise at the annoying people who come here seeking friends. These people have nothing to contribute but usually bad pics of themselves asking what we think of them and nothing original in their house. I say we take a stand and tell these losers to stay where they belong: at MySpace. Elftown is a site for artists/writers, not an online friends bar, STOP TREATING IT AS SUCH!! If you share my feelings, please join and link back to this wiki in your house.

NOTE: This does not mean I am against people making friends here, far from it! I am simply against people who come here SOLELY for that. Please show your support by linking back to us!

1. [Chaotic Serenity]
2. [Raesha]
3. [Saphira]
4. [Fearathress]
5. [Thrice]
6. [XxTsomexX]
7. [FrankoPhWN]
8. [Nike Laos]
9. [1BadassWarrior]
10. [Love and Chaos]
11. [the loved wolf]
12. [Jitter]
13. [Cia_mar]
14. [Vou]
15. [DeadSockMonster]
17. [SpiritOfTheWater]
18. [nopenope]
19. [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]
20. [neoqueen serenity]
21. [{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara]
22. [.Toxic Valentine.]
23. [Duke Devlin]
24. [TheKingdomLight]
25. [*(.Randi.)*]
26. [Hobbit teen]
27. [Erubeus] Even though I have a myspace... =x
28. [silent_voice] I likerz this, *posts in diary*
29. [Roxcie] Can't stand those people -_-
30.[Aki Neko]Umm....note the "Fantasy" comunnity? Not "Welcome and join with everyperson you seee"Commnity!!!
31. [†Sweets†] I have a myspace, but only so i can keep in touch with some of my friends.
32. [Mordigen] - i have a myspace too....but thats just it, i leave my BULLSHIT on my muspace, and my art on ET...duh, this isn't a cyber brothrel....
33. [Angel In Red] I dont have myspace.. but even i know to keep the rubbish in my head to a limit, so yeah... guess this wiki rocks... why? Because The Red said so.
34. [Nevermore.] arrrrg!
35. [Ansem]
36. [The Dark Wolf] why you say?... CUSE MYSPACE SUX!!!!!
37. [Vampire Akis] Yep yep Silenty's right ^^
38. [~`~Wolf~`~] I might have a myspace, but that's only to talk to the friends who aren't into fantasy as much as I am. And these people who are here that don't deserve to be are starting to piss me off.
39. [*Night_Shade*] Bah.
40. [Glassphyxie.]
41. [Silver Moon] I hate it when you see polls like: "Do you think i am Hot?" It's sick and usually the answer is NO! I think you are an ass for asking!
42. [Piercedskull] I dont have a myspace.I dont want one.But I agree with this wiki completely.
43. [Dark_Superman] I have one but only to stay in touch with some friends. But I agree as well, death to the sell out that is thus Tom.
44. [de Morte] I tried myspace awhile ago... but it sickened me so much that I had to delete the old account! If your friends are truly your friends then you can stay in contact WITHOUT myspace!
45.[alli.DEADFAYCE.] myspace whores go to myspace. elftown whore stay here. plan and simple.
46. [▲.] This is definitely a place for art, and since I'm an artist this just happens to be the place to be. However, even though MySpace has it's downs, it's still a lovely way to keep in contact. If you abuse the way you use the site, then so be it, some are likely to complain about it. I ask that people don't dis either site, since Elftown has it's own fair share of downs.
47. [Fetish Dolly Koneko™] I started at ET and then went to Myspace and I have enough brains to know where to keep certain things. I love them each for what they are and they should remain different places.
48. [loonygirl2005] AMEN TO THAT! This is a place for artist to actually reach out. Yes you have the option of posting art but they aren't really appricated unless you are famous. Myspace is a purely social place where anything goes but here. This is a sanctuary for all artists to express themselves without the need for cybering. So for those who need to be hot and compared to stars go do that on myspace.
49. [wicked fae mage] Perverts can stay at myspace to tell people they look hawt and wanna cyber. We're artists against perverts!
50. [the mad hatter2] who gets off to cybering? its really stupid
51. [MyAlterEgo] If I wanted to read that stupid shit, I'd be on myspace. I come here for a dose of humanity.
52. [*Phoenix*] Does anyone else find it funny that, at the beginning of member lists, no one makes a comment, then 1 person does and everyone after follows; therefore making the only way to be noticed to NOT put something even though the first person who has a comment was doing the opposite?
53. [Gypsy Mystik]- I agree.... I love being able to be creative here, truly creative.
54. [The Dizzy Raven]

Take Elftown Back

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2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: awwwwwwww study is the best class, especialy with my teacher, shes cool lol (hell, shes letting me on here)

2007-09-20 [silent_voice]: Ah well that is cool!

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: yup ^^ I <3 Ms. Jaruse!

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-09-20 [The Dark Wolf]: sorry i'm still at my friends dorm... might not go hime for another 12 hours Silent... i will as SOON as i can though!!! ^^

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: lol

2007-09-20 [The Dark Wolf]: What?

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: tsome.

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: ne?

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: i was laughing at you

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: why are you laughing at me?

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: "yup ^^ I <3 Ms. Jaruse!"

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: oooooh XD well I do, shes an awesome teacher!

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: thats cool

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: *nods*

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: ^.^

2007-09-20 [The Dark Wolf]: ok i dont get it.

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: ...were not?

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: Huh?

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: what the crap??

2007-09-20 [The Dark Wolf]: i'm lost....

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: me too!

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: Me three...

2007-09-20 [Dark_Superman]: me four I have no idea what the hell is going on lol

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: gr... this is not good!

2007-09-20 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: <.<'

2007-09-20 [Dark_Superman]: so were all lost, ahh well at least if no one puts me in the lost and found I'll be okay

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: lost

2007-09-20 [The Dark Wolf]: uuummm PURPLE!

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: we have a lost wiki!

2007-09-20 [Piercedskull]: whered I go...?

2007-09-20 [†Sweets†]: ...umm...

2007-09-21 [TheKingdomLight]: 0.0

2007-09-21 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *sits on floating beanbag* Blink.

2007-09-21 [TheKingdomLight]: one sec i g2g put a black shirt on and take a ninja pic!!!

2007-09-21 [†Sweets†]: *sigh*

2007-09-21 [TheKingdomLight]: Well i do >>

2007-09-21 [†Sweets†]: not that, hun.

2007-09-21 [TheKingdomLight]: oh is it becuase i keep showing up every where? cuz im really sorry im a ninja so i have clones

2007-09-21 [†Sweets†]: lol, no, not that either. i jsut find it funny that the three of you just show up where i am... i couple of them ive been in for a while and then one of you three, if not all three, show up.

2007-09-21 [TheKingdomLight]: lol

2007-09-21 [†Sweets†]: its true!

2007-09-21 [TheKingdomLight]: hehe

2007-09-21 [Piercedskull]: whered I go agian?>

2007-09-21 [The Dark Wolf]: *blinks*

2007-09-21 [XxTsomexX]: You keep dissapearing XD lol

2007-09-21 [The Dark Wolf]: i do that... see watch i do it again...............

2007-09-21 [†Sweets†]: [TheGhost] ^.^

2007-09-21 [Piercedskull]: *blinks and dies*

2007-09-21 [†Sweets†]: i love him. even though he lies to me.

2007-09-21 [Piercedskull]: Aww.*huggs dreamer*

2007-09-21 [†Sweets†]: its ok. i dont think he meant to lie.

2007-09-23 [XxTsomexX]: ?

2007-09-23 [Piercedskull]: Still.You need a hug

2007-09-23 [†Sweets†]: thanks... tsome, what?

2007-09-23 [XxTsomexX]: i dunno

2007-09-23 [†Sweets†]: ok. and i was right, he didnt mean to lie to me ^.^

2007-09-24 [The Dark Wolf]: is confused.....

2007-09-24 [†Sweets†]: isnt everyone?

2007-09-24 [Piercedskull]: im dead^^%

2007-09-24 [TheKingdomLight]: he's alive!!!

2007-09-24 [†Sweets†]: what??

2007-09-24 [TheKingdomLight]: idk

2007-09-24 [†Sweets†]: very good then.

2007-09-24 [TheKingdomLight]: kk

2007-09-24 [*(.Randi.)*]: What does the second k stand for in "kk"?

2007-09-24 [TheKingdomLight]: k! but the first one stands for o ^^

2007-09-24 [*(.Randi.)*]: oooooh. Well then why don't you just say "ok"? *confused*

2007-09-24 [TheKingdomLight]: becuase ok takes more time to put then kk

2007-09-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: Psh! Like, .0000000000001 seconds more!

2007-09-25 [XxTsomexX]: >.> ?

2007-09-25 [TheKingdomLight]: yes but! thats stil . sumtin right?

2007-09-25 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-09-25 [TheKingdomLight]: hehe

2007-09-26 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *sits in floating bean bag chair* .....

2007-09-26 [*(.Randi.)*]: *gasp* You stole my beanbag!

2007-09-26 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-09-26 [TheKingdomLight]: *sits in SpiritOfTheWater's lap* santa!!!

2007-09-26 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-09-26 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-09-28 [SpiritOfTheWater]: I totally did not steal your beanbag! It's my neon green one that I use all the time!! *sticks out tongue*
SANTA?! Do I REALLY look like a fat man with white hair?!

2007-09-28 [†Sweets†]: wife?

2007-09-28 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Say what?

2007-09-28 [†Sweets†]: ...santas wife?

2007-09-28 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Ha ha. Don't really look like her either.

2007-09-28 [SpiritOfTheWater]: At least.... Not in my opinion. She wears a lot of red and also has white hair..... Doesn't she?

2007-09-28 [†Sweets†]: more than likely

2007-09-28 [*(.Randi.)*]: *sits in violet floating bean bag chair* Oh, right! Sorry! this bean bag is my pride and joy...just a little paranoid that nobody steals it!

2007-09-28 [TheKingdomLight]: >

2007-09-30 [†Sweets†]: ...

2007-10-01 [*(.Randi.)*]: GAAAAH! Don't touch it! *is a bunny*

2007-10-01 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-10-01 [TheKingdomLight]: *picks a dead bunny up* it's so cute!...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it bit me!!!! *runs in circles*

2007-10-01 [†Sweets†]: ...silent hill?

2007-10-01 [The Dark Wolf]: BUNNY BUNNY BUNNY!!!!!

2007-10-01 [TheKingdomLight]: gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... wait a secound.. dead bunnies can't bite..... omg vampire tis a vampire bunny!!!! no wonder it so white!

2007-10-01 [†Sweets†]: XD im a vampire

2007-10-02 [TheKingdomLight]: same here but i don't flant it off <img:ws23.gif>

2007-10-02 [Fearathress]: <img:44166_1164145253.gif>

2007-10-02 [Mordigen]: it'd be great if i could get a bit more support :: Stop the Cloning

2007-10-02 [†Sweets†]: the cloning of what? and i like people to know i bite, thank you very much.

2007-10-02 [Mordigen]: well why dont you go check out the page and you'll get what the title means --- i dont really want to explain it here because it'll get me riled up again

2007-10-02 [TheKingdomLight]: ehhh i don't feel like singing anything. -.- so yeah. im in enough wiki's as it is. And i like my victims to be nice and surprised...makes there blood taste better!!!!...........

2007-10-02 [†Sweets†]: o.0 link! control yourself!

2007-10-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: singing anything? Dear, don't you mean signing? *giggles insanely*

2007-10-02 [TheKingdomLight]: i don't have time forr good writing! im at a horrible state of mind right now don't correct me please <img:stuff/mood3-gif.gif>

2007-10-02 [†Sweets†]: whats wrong?

2007-10-02 [TheKingdomLight]: beast friend is gone i have a head ach kids are picking on me. my mom is yelling im falling behind in school. and i didn't eat launch today -.-. so the usal

2007-10-02 [†Sweets†]: yeah, thats what i saw there.

2007-10-02 [TheKingdomLight]: what?

2007-10-02 [†Sweets†]: thats its just life, and somedays you jsut want to kill someone/thing for it

2007-10-02 [TheKingdomLight]: lol same here

2007-10-02 [†Sweets†]: figured as mcuh

2007-10-02 [TheKingdomLight]: lol

2007-10-03 [*(.Randi.)*]: TT_TT One of my friends (we've been friends for over two years) just suddenly flaked out on me. She pretty much said that she was tired of me. And one of my other best friend's parents are getting divorced, so she might move!!

2007-10-03 [TheKingdomLight]: 0.0 im sorry! but i know how you feel. my best friend whom i've known my whole life! no lie!!! is gone!!! she moved outta state TT.TT

2007-10-03 [TheKingdomLight]:

2007-10-03 [†Sweets†]: uummmm... my best friend tried to break up me and my boyfriend, owns me over $500, and refuses to talk to me anymore.

2007-10-03 [The Dark Wolf]: damn! that is not friendship!

2007-10-03 [†Sweets†]: i guess not...

2007-10-03 [The Dark Wolf]: no....

2007-10-03 [TheKingdomLight]: ummmm my best friend uhhhhhhhh has green hair so there!!!! XD idk

2007-10-03 [The Dark Wolf]: Mine took two knees to the face for me!!!! so ha what now! lol ^^

2007-10-03 [TheKingdomLight]: my best friend would die for me!!!!

2007-10-03 [The Dark Wolf]: mine too..... We have good friends!! XD

2007-10-03 [TheKingdomLight]: yes we do!

2007-10-04 [*(.Randi.)*]: T_T

2007-10-05 [TheKingdomLight]: >

2007-10-05 [SpiritOfTheWater]: MY best friend is a dork lol

2007-10-05 [TheKingdomLight]: same here 

2007-10-06 [†Sweets†]: ...

2007-10-06 [TheKingdomLight]: <img:img/mood/61513_1190556038.png>

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: nice eyes

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: so, how are you?

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: Great now that shaun got owned

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: o.0 huh?

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: click the green stuff XD it's sooooo funneh!!! XDDD

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: yeah, i saw... i still dont get it...

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: >> tis a guy dressed up as a girl getting hit upside the head by another guy. there really isn't anything to get. it's just funny that way ^^

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: thouse were both guys?

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: yes ^^ and they were having a pillow fight

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: wow...are they on here?

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: yup!

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: let me see them!

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: [Nazarath.93]

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: ive talked to the king before...

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: ...or not...

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: [Nazarath.93] is cute

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: and he also has a girl friend ^^

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: doesnt supprize me

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol ^^

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: there both cute, [Nazarath.93] is jsut cuter

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol yeah i guess but i really don't like either in that way.

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: lol, brother type people?

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: yeah! naz is my bro....kinda he doesn't think he acts brotherly twords me but i do. and nef is just kinda a person i talk to on occasion

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: lol ok! ^^

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: so, whats new?

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: ummmmm the news ^^

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: o.0 indeed... never thought of that...

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: ^^

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol i crave flesh

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: i do!!!! naz has a picture of him in a fish net shirt and it made me crave flesh becuase he has wonderful looking skin! i bet it taste good!

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: lol im sure it does

2007-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: *shudders* I....hate....fishnet.

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: i love fishnet!

2007-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: I hate it with a passion! I used to wear it, but now...I have seen the light! I realize now that it is not for me! NO! DX

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: the bare flesh -.- i like the taste of flesh! >< it's horrible i love blood and flesh and bare flesh is like every where!!! so yeah i have had this craving for it for a while and naz wearing fish net just set it off .XDD

2007-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: Wait...isn't he your brother?

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: yes but flesh is wonderful! i don't like him that way i just like the taste of flesh!

2007-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: Ew .blah. *has never been kissed*

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: haha *has been kissed in many places anbove the waste*

2007-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: T_T Ooh stopit! You're making me jealous!

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol XD

2007-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: DX Dreams dreams. Oh those retched dreams. ;_;

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol im sorry

2007-10-07 [*(.Randi.)*]: <img:44166_1164218120.gif> I'm quite alright, darling, I DO believe I can take care of myself. *glomps*

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: *ish glomped* ACK

2007-10-07 [†Sweets†]: i missed

2007-10-07 [TheKingdomLight]: huh? you did? oops! XD

2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: ...yes... i did...

2007-10-08 [*(.Randi.)*]: I didn't miss! I glomped you fair and square!

2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-10-08 [de Morte]: Naz is my brother! Lol >.>... *I ish wearing fishnet*

2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: lalalalala

2007-10-08 [de Morte]: *pokes random person*

2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: cant poke me! i gave you hug! and im a slave!

2007-10-08 [de Morte]: I'll be nice today =p

2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: ^^ i win!!

2007-10-08 [de Morte]: Tomorrow on the other hand...

2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: ok! ^^

2007-10-08 [de Morte]: Hehehe!

2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: so...

2007-10-08 [de Morte]: I have no idea...

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